6 Dec 2013

Sensory Worlds. "I think in this time when people are looking at screens all the time, things become a little brittle and we are looking for more saturating experiences again. This is one of the reasons contemporary art is doing so well because we need to feel our bodies, we need to feel our environment, we want to be immersed in in something" Juliana Engberg Artistic director of the 19th Sydney Biennale.

3 Dec 2013

This is a video

ACTT staff development day

All teaching staff are invited to attend a staff development day from 9.30am-4.00pm on Monday 16th December. The morning will be focused on assessment validation of current courses. The afternoon staff meeting will include processes, 2014 planning, resources etc. Please RSVP Jill R by Monday 9th December.
[CC FlickR image by Chrissy H]


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